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Fernando Carradas, graduate in Design and Technologies for Ceramics, Bachelor in Urban Furniture Design, University Specialist Title in “Métodos e Técnicas del Diseño Industrial e Gráfico”. Professor at ESAD.CR/IPL, in several Degree courses (Product Design – Ceramics and Glass, Industrial Design, Communication Design, Business Information Technologies, and Plastic Arts) and Master (Product Design), in the areas of Project and Technologies. Coordinator and promoter of several technological workshops in the areas of ceramics, glass, and ecodesign. Pedagogical supervisor of curricular internships. Member of the technical-scientific committee of the degree course in Product Design – Ceramics and Glass. Member of the Pedagogic Council. Experience in exercising directive and organizational management positions in public higher education. He was Sub-Director and Course Coordinator at ESAD/IPL. Associate member of LIDA (Research Laboratory in Design and Arts – IPL/ESAD.CR). Coordinator of several projects of product development and urban equipment, in partnership with companies and municipalities. Participation in the project Caldas da Rainha Cidade Cerâmica, as part of the city’s candidacy, to be classified as a UNESCO Creative City, for the area of handicrafts and popular arts.

He began his artistic activity in the area of ceramics in collaboration with the ceramists from Caldas de Caldas, Isabel Claro and Carlos Seia. Worked with Danish ceramists Bente Forman and Klaus Enke, under the Exchange Program for Young Workers of the EEC-Denmark. Member of the Jury in several editions of the Young Designer Contest, promoted by ICEP. Trainer at Cencal, in the areas of Ceramic Drawing and Painting (1996). He was part of the research team of the project INEDIC- Innovation and EcoDesign in the Ceramic Industry. He was the technical responsible for the development of the project “www.RotasdeCerâ “. Since 1989 he has exhibited his work in several national and international exhibitions of Design and Artistic Ceramics (I International Biennal of Artistic Ceramics, Aveiro, Ogiva Gallery, Exhibition integrated in the 1st European Symposium of Ergonomics, Ceramics and Irreverence Salon, European Biennal of Ceramics, F. I. L. “SK’94”, Olympia “International Gardening Spring Fair”, Estufa-fria, “Video Voyage”, C.A.L., “Tracking Systems”, Bernardo Museum, A9)))) – Cell & Membrane, Pre-Cubicle: objectual conversations with fuse / Centro de Artes das Caldas da Rainha and PROFS Exhibition – contemporary authors in the 30 years of ESAD.CR, at CCC – Centro Cultural e de Congressos das Caldas da Rainha. Portuguese Commissioner for the European Ceramic Context, (2010 and 2014 editions). Specialized consultant in Product Design, in the scope of the PME training programs (QREN). Member of the evaluation committee, for the attribution of the “Ceramics – Portugal Does It Better Seal”, APICER. Co-author of several articles, in the area of Ecodesign and Sustainable Design. Curator of the Design exhibitions “INit” and “Exit2017” and “Exit2018”, under the Molda project. Co-author of exhibition project “Molde”, a collection of industrial ceramics from Molde Faianças. Author of exhibition projects of “Urban Equipment”, with the municipality of Peniche and Product Design under the program Fólio Festival, in Óbidos. Member of the acquisitions program jury: Author ceramics, within the scope of the activities of “Caldas da Rainha Cidade Cerâmica”.


