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Artist, Dean of the Caldas da Rainha School of Arts and Design – Politécnico de Leiria (ESAD.CR), Portugal, since 2026. Ph.D. in Visual Arts and Intermedia – Drawing, at the Polytechnic University of Valencia with the thesis “Estudio teórico-práctico de la Camera Obscura y de la Camera Lucida. Una nueva propuesta de máquina de dibujo digital”. (“A theoretical and practical study of the Camera Obscura and the Camera Lucida. A new proposal for a digital drawing machine”).

With a special interest in exploring boundaries and crossings of drawing with digital technologies, and the exploration of possible uses for the digital mediation of and on drawing.

Currently, at LIDA, the undergoing project titled “Drawing without hands”, focuses on the use of BCI as a body extension for drawing. Has been working regularly since 1990.

Founder and director of LIDA from December 2015, until 2020. Member of several scientific committees and chair of international meetings, in the areas of arts and culture, and reviewer of conference articles in areas related to drawing. Registered expert of the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture.


