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Susana Nascimento Duarte is an Associate Professor in Film and Video at ESAD.CR/IPL, where she coordinates the Master degree in Arts of Sound and Image.

She holds a PhD in ‘Cinema and Television’ by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences (FCSH/UNL).

She is a research member of CineLab – Cinema Laboratory – at the Nova Institute of Philosophy (IFILNOVA/FCSH/Universidade Nova de Lisboa).

She is currently Co-Principal Investigator of the exploratory funded research project ‘Mediating the Real. Philosophy and Documentary Film’ (IFILNOVA/FCSH/UNL).

She integrated the research projects ‘Film and Philosophy. Mapping an encounter’ (IFILNOVA/FCSH/UNL, 2008-2013), ‘False Movement: Studies on Writing and Film’ (CEC/FLUL, 2010-2015) and ‘Fragmentation and Reconfiguration: experiencing the city between art and philosophy’ (IFILNOVA/FCSH/UNL, 2018-2022).

As part of her research and teaching activity, she has published various articles, interviews and book chapters, presented various communications in colloquia, seminars, conferences, and festivals, as well as organized colloquia, seminars, round tables, open and master classes, and artistic residencies.

She has worked on the relations between technical images and perception, the thoughts of the figural, at the intersection between fine arts and cinema, archival and counter-archival practices, and is currently researching the aesthetics of documentary images and on cinema as a potential archaeological tool for the exercise of a critique of digital culture and the contemporary world, in the context of ‘post-cinematic’ artistic practices.

She was one of the programmers of the Series of Meetings ‘What is the Archive?’, organized by Videoteca/Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa, and of the Laboratories Art-Archive (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 2017), Cinema-Archive (Portuguese Cinematheque, 2018) and City-Archive  (Marvila’s Library, 2019).

She is the Interviews’s Editor of ‘Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image’.

She co-edited ‘Images of the Real. Philosophy and Documentary Film’, a special issue of ‘Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 12 (2020)’: also works as a director, since 1996, having directed films such as ‘Materiais de Construção’ (2001), ‘Atelier’ (2011) and ‘Jardim de Infância’ (2023).

