Packaging of the Future +Ecological +Digital +Inclusive

Development and validation of 2 ranges of wood packaging - Range 1: Monofoil without binding elements; Range 2: agglomerate from the waste of the veneer production process - and their production processes.

Main Researcher at LiDA

Luís Pessanha


23.10.23 — present

Containers, boxes and packaging are an essential tool for the distribution, storage and consumption/marketing of fruit and vegetables. As in other business sectors, these “vessels” have a significant impact on the quality and value attributed to the final product, sometimes going unnoticed by the end consumer. However, for the value chain related to this sector of activity, the packaging has characteristics (tare weight, dimensions, price, durability) that can increase or decrease sustainability and ecological footprint, as a result of the life cycle planning (single use or reuse) of this product.

In order to offer more user-friendly solutions that are suited to current socio-economic, environmental and political realities, this project aims to develop two ranges of packaging that will culminate in potential alternatives to the packaging that dominates the market.

The first range deals with the development and validation of a single-use packaging made of poplar wood(Populus), without the use of fixing elements, for the food industry, with a capacity of 500g. This range envisages 4 specific uses for the packaging: marketing of mushrooms(1); seafood(2); pastries/bread(3); and small-volume fruit – i.e. raspberries(4).

The second range will be divided into 2 (reusable) packages with capacities of 1 to 3 kg and 12 kg, for transporting, storing and displaying food. The packaging with the largest capacity will have to be collapsible, stackable and produced (mostly) in wood agglomerate – based on residues from the veneering of poplar trunks – and other elements/materials necessary for its full operation, hygiene and durability. The smaller-capacity container will also be made from the same chipboard as the previous one, but will only have to be assemblable and stackable, ruling out (if possible) the use of polymers and other elements/materials other than (or based on) wood.

Project Outputs:

Ex.1 – Single-ply box, without connecting elements, for fruit, vegetables, seafood, etc. (Up to 500 g?)

Ex.2.1 – Box with chipboard base, collapsible, stackable, for 12kg.

Ex.2.2 – Box with chipboard base, assemblable, stackable, for 1 to 3 kg.



Politécnico de Viseu

ARCP - Rede de Competência em Polímeros

Bresimar Automação, S.A.

Campotec S.A.


Nutrix, Lda

SETSA - Sociedade de Energia e Transformação, S.A.

Stream Consulting


VOID Software


This project is part of PPS9 – Development and validation of wood packaging and respective manufacturing processes of the “Embalagem do Futuro +ecológica +digital +inclusiva” project, co-financed by component 12 – promotion of the sustainable bio-economy, as part of the Transcrição Climática dimension of the “Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência” (Recovery and Resilience Plan) under the European Union’s (EU) “Mechanismo de Recuperação e Resiliência” (MRR), as part of Next Generation EU, for the period 2021-2026.