INOV.AM | OrthoScan3D

Development of customized orthotics combining body scanning technologies

Main Researcher at LiDA

Renato Bispo


01.07.22 — present

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OrthoScan3D aims to develop a device that combines various technologies for direct digital manufacturing in order to produce orthotics – medical devices used to restrict movement or protect parts of the body in situations of physical weakness or disability. Orthoses are widely prescribed for the treatment of various pathologies, and customized versions are recognized for their functionality and comfort, allowing patients to use them continuously during the recommended treatment period, which contributes to a higher rate of therapeutic success. The customization of orthotics through body scanning improves their effectiveness in immobilizing or restricting movement, adapting to the patient’s anatomy. In addition, the possibility of incorporating multiple materials allows for a reduction in weight and thickness, increasing breathability and offering controlled flexibility.

Although additive manufacturing systems are suitable for customization, their application in the healthcare sector in Portugal is still limited. Therefore, integrating these technologies is essential to transform the technical possibility of these products and their production.


Gameiros - Material Clínico

Dream For IT

Amberfragment - Produtos Médicos


CDRSP - Centro para o Desenvolvimento Rápido e Sustentado de Produto


“INOV.AM – Inovação em Fabricação Aditiva”, funding Integrated in the European funds allocated to Portugal by the RRP, under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) of the European Union (EU), within the framework of Next Generation EU, for the period 2021 – 2026