Comunicar com utentes com demência: Uma abordagem de codesign participativo para promover a qualidade da experiência da comunicação durante os cuidados de saúde hospitalares
Designing to ensure good communication in hospital
Codesign participativo para melhorar a monitorização de utentes no serviço de urgência hospitalar
Co-designing a monitoring system to support patient safety in emergency care
Comunicar com utentes com demência: Uma abordagem de codesign participativo para promover a qualidade da experiência da comunicação durante os cuidados de saúde hospitalares
Participatory Co-design: Approaches to Enable People Living with Challenging Health Conditions to Participate in Design Research
SAFETRACK Design Research Approach Report
Codesign participativo para melhorar a monitorização de utentes no serviço de urgência hospitalar
Using Co-Design Methods to Develop a Patient Monitoring System in Hospital Emergency Care to Support Patient Safety
Poster published in XL Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Espanola de Epidemiologia, XVII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Epidemiologia (conference 30th Aug to 2nd Sep 2022, San Sebastian) – “LISA – ESTUDO DE COORTE DA LITERACIA EM SAÚDE”
Article published as preprint - "Design Communication Processes in the LISA Cohort Study"
Article published and presentation in ECADE The European Conference on arts, Design & Education (conference 7th to 10th Jul 2022 – University of Porto) - "The role of Design in Health Observational Studies"
Article published and presentation in Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2022) (conference 24th to 28th Jul 2022 - New York) - "Cohort Study Good Practices: Design Communication and Capacitation Processes"
Article in press and presentation in EhSemi2022 Seminário de estudantes em tecnologias digitais e saúde/ bem-estar (conference 3rd Feb 2022 – University of Aveiro) - "Design Approaches: Health Literacy capacitation in the County of Leiria"
Poster publication in RUN-EU General Assembly (conference 3rd and 4th Nov 2021 - General Assembly, TUS, Ireland) - “Service Design for stakeholder capacitation in health literacy, in the county of Leiria"