
At LiDA, we are committed to improving health and wellbeing through design and arts. We explore ways to create inclusive healthcare systems, develop assistive technologies, promote mental health, and create opportunities to encourage wellbeing, combining creativity, innovation, and collaboration. We address health disparities, enhance accessibility, and find possibilities for everyone to have the opportunity of leading a healthy and fulfilling life. Our research projects use participatory and co-design methods and explore ways to understand health and care challenges, helping to highlight ways to innovate healthcare in Portugal. 



Oliveira, Vera

Codesign participativo para melhorar a monitorização de utentes no serviço de urgência hospitalar


Dias, Sara; Santos, Estêvão; Alves, Bartolomeu; Gabriel, Tiago; Netto-Rocha, Constança; Marques, Daniela; Passadouro, Rui

Poster published in XL Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Espanola de Epidemiologia, XVII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Epidemiologia (conference 30th Aug to 2nd Sep 2022, San Sebastian) – “LISA – ESTUDO DE COORTE DA LITERACIA EM SAÚDE”


Daniela, Marques; Constança, Netto-Rocha

Article in press and presentation in EhSemi2022 Seminário de estudantes em tecnologias digitais e saúde/ bem-estar (conference 3rd Feb 2022 – University of Aveiro) - "Design Approaches: Health Literacy capacitation in the County of Leiria"