Contribute to our understanding of the sustainability of vernacular objects and inform the design of more sustainable products in the future.
José Vicente
01.05.2023 — present
Throughout most of human history our artifacts have been designed, produced, and used in a sustainable way. This paradigm was only altered with the industrial revolution and the productive and social changes that resulted from it.
Starting from this notion, this research intends to analyze vernacular objects from rural communities that had a production and consumption system like the pre-industrial revolution context, and with that gather information about morphological, material, productive and usage characteristics that can bring teachings to reinforce or add to the principles and strategies that are already used in the scope of design for the circular economy and sustainability.
To achieve this goal, the research will carry out a survey of a sample of 20 domestic food-related objects, belonging to the Rural Life collection of the National Museum of Ethnology (MNE), where the collection of the Museum of Popular Art is included.
The survey will be carried out using photography and drawing, and the study of the objects with the use of analytical drawing techniques and with the crossing of ethnographic bibliography.
This project is a collaboration in which André Panoias is an external member of the team.
This project was nominated as a finalist for the National Crafts Prize 2023 – Research Category – promoted by the IEFP – Instituto de Emprego Profissional.
MNE – National Museum of Ethnology
This work is financed by national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P., in the scope of the Programmatic Funding allocated to the Research Laboratory in Design and Arts (LIDA) with the reference “UIDP/05468/2020″.