José Frade
01.10.2015 — 31.12.2020
DEGREN is the acronym for the project that stands for: Cross-border Centre for Business Innovation in Ecodesign in EUROACE – DEsign & GReen ENgineering.
The EP Operational Programme – INTERREG V A Spain Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020 had a strong focus on promoting ECODESIGN in the context of EUROACE, so that it could act as a lever of competitiveness through which innovation and technology transfer were promoted.
This project set out to achieve the following results:
– Setting up the ECODESIGN Cross-Border Centre in EUROACE with an operating structure, areas of activity and decision-making.
– Articulating cooperation between companies, research centres and administrations to develop new products in which to apply ECODESIGN.
– Taking advantage of existing scientific resources in the participating regions related to R&D&i in ECODESIGN.
– Spreading knowledge and success stories of business models based on ECODESIGN criteria among companies.
– To improve the participation of the business community in innovative initiatives related to ECODESIGN and sustainable design.
– Celebration of the 1st ECODESIGN Congress at EUROACE
Instituto Tecnológico de Rocas Ornamentales y Materiales de Construcción (INTROMAC)
Associação Nacional de Jovens Empresários – ANJE
Cluster Habitat Sustentável – Centro HABITAT
Colegio Oficial Ingenieros Industriales de Extremadura – COIIEX
Fundación Fundecyt-Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Extremadura -FUNDECYT-PCTEX
Centro Tecnológico da Cerâmica e do Vidro -CTCV
Universidad de Extremadura -UEX
Asociación de Diseñadores de Extremadura – DiEx
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria – IP Leiria
The project Centro Transfronteiriço de Inovação Empresarial em Ecodesign na EUROACE – DEsign & GReen ENgineering was funded by Programa Operativo EP – INTERREG V A Espanha Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-202.