In the context of the objectives outlined in WP4, we propose to create, develop, demonstrate and validate ceramic and glass products using eco-design approaches
Carla Lobo
01.01.22 – ongoing
The Ecocerâmica e cristalaria de Portugal (ECP) project aims to reinforce the competitiveness of the ceramic and glassware industries at the national level. Focusing on 4 areas – energy sustainability, circular economy and industrial symbioses, digital transition and training – it is aimed to the development of new products, processes and services with high added value, based on new models of cross-sectoral industrial organization, while ensuring progression in the international value chain and focus on activities with greater added value.
This work package (WP4) focuses on the development of new proposals for ceramic and glass products with potential for innovation, sustainability, and added value. Combining creative potential with minimizing the ecological impact of new products throughout their life cycle is simultaneously a challenge and an opportunity that is being investigated to leverage the global sustainability of these industrial sectors through the eco-design of ceramic and glass products.
The design concepts developed in this work package should integrate locally available and less polluting raw materials, use fewer materials and less energy, employ innovative materials and production processes for products and packaging, explore the integration of functions, be ergonomically well-designed, cost-effective to access and maintain, and environmentally friendly to use and recycle. This will add emotional value to products and encourage responsible consumption and use.
Vista Alegre Atlantis (VAA)
Centro Tecnológico para a Cerâmica e Vidro (CTCV)
Revigrés (RG)
MOTA II Soluções Cerâmicas, S.A. (MII)